The Greatest Show in America...The Donald

            The Donald is now the official Republican nominee. Congratulations Republicans! You must be so proud…or now wondering what in the hell is wrong with your party and checking your passport to make sure it’s valid just in case you need to make a one-way trip to Vancouver. Be ready to start defending this mistake for a while because Trump is worse than that pit bull with lipstick you thawed out from Alaska.
            Just to be clear, I have nothing against Republicans or conservatives at all. I honestly believe that we need at least two sides (I would prefer a three party system, but that won’t happen any time soon) to bring perspective and experience to problems that we need to solve as a country. I must say, however, having Trump as the standard bearer for the GOP is very concerning, but not surprising given what the GOP has been rousing up the past eight years.
            We have hit a moment in the American experience that has brought together a triple threat of unrest; frustration with the least productive Congress in history (I tend to blame Republicans for that one as they came into power saying they will do anything to stop Obama), having a party in power for eight years has the other side trying to restore their country to the former glory of the Bush years, and citizens feeling that the politicians they have elected into office are more concerned with themselves or the party line than they are with helping the American people. When you mix this witch’s brew you get an angry and energized Republican base that has found their perfect candidate outside of the establishment.
            They found someone who speaks from the hip. Not in a Sarah Palin “I read all of the magazines for my news” kind of way, but more of a “Mexicans are rapists and murderers” kind of way. The right way to speak to the American public! They found someone who has no political background, no filter, and no problem offending every group in our country except white people. They found the guy who is not afraid to call out people how he sees them. Jeb Bush was “low energy”, Marco Rubio was “little”, Hillary Clinton is “crooked”, his daughter is “hot” and he is on record saying that he would date her if she weren’t his daughter. Donald Trump is exactly what the Republicans have been praying for. Or praying to avoid, I can’t tell the difference at this point.

            I never thought that in my lifetime I would see Presidential candidates sink to the level of middle school children. This happened on multiple occasions with the school yard bully Trump launching verbal fisticuffs at some of his GOP rivals during the primary season. More specifically, with Marco Rubio.
At one of his rallies, Rubio sank to Trump’s level and said to the crowd that Trump has small hands and continued:

            “And you know what they say about guys with small hands?”
            *Pause for uncomfortable laughter as supporters finish penis joke in their head*
            “You can’t trust them.”

            OH! For real Rubio! A penis joke during a political campaign! Things must be going really well for that one to make it from your brain cavity out through your speaking orifice. Or it’s the last gasp of a dying campaign that has no idea how to save itself. Since Rubio’s campaign went down in flames, we know why he resorted to penis humor. Actually I still don’t know why it went that direction because people don’t really handle dick jokes very well.
            Trump responded in kind during a nationally televised debate, which seemed to be more of a Bachelorette Tell All episode than a Presidential debate. Trump’s response?
            “And he referred to my hands if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee you.”

            Besides the shiver down your spine thinking of the Donald’s…self described not small genitals, it strikes me as odd that this would even be brought up. Don’t we have things happening in our country that may require us as citizens to know your plan? How will you improve upon the new health insurance legislation? Or destroy it and replace it with whatever you think is better? What about our returning Veterans? Taxes? Education? Cake or pie? The real issues!
            Nope! All of those pale in comparison with the comment made by the Senator from Florida about the size of Donald Trumps penis. Because isn’t a political debate between men just one huge “who has a bigger penis” contest? To Trump, it is. And it goddamn worked! He got a boost in the polls and Rubio was out of the race!
            That’s been the whole problem I’ve had with this. Trump fires these massive character attacks on his rivals and they stick. Bush, Cruz, and Rubio all tried to fight the master in his own pool of filth and were sucked down to the bottom and drowned in the their own insults, which would be the shit in the filth pool for this metaphor. Because you cannot fire a broadside salvo against Trump, because he has the biggest boat in the ocean with the biggest guns, the biggest bullets, and the biggest masts you’ve ever seen. HHHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEEEEE!
Yes I realize that all of the above statements are simply a way for me to get you to think about Trump and his massive package using naval ship lingo. Your welcome.

Welcome to the Show!
            Donald Trump is immune to all this not because he has the thickest skin, not because he has the quickest wit, and not because he is the most informed. It’s because he’s played this game before. Look at how many years he has been practicing this form of entertainment on his reality show. Since 2004, Trump has been perfecting his craft of entertaining the masses. He knows what people want to see, he knows what they want to hear, he knows how to keep the attention on him or his product, and he knows how to get rid of the contestants people are tired of seeing.
            Republicans basically gave Trump a free television show where he is the hottest commodity and did nothing to stop it. Trump burnt them good, too. He was carving up the red meat left and right and was not afraid to give the people what they wanted.
            Mexicans? Trump reassured the masses that Mexico was sending over it’s rapists and murderers across the border and he’s going to build a wall and make Mexico build it and pay for it! The people ate it up and yelled for more! OM NOM NOM!
            Sarah Palin? He found her hunting wolves with a knife in Ketchikan and she took a reprieve from that to endorse him with all her ramblings and ravings. The people wanted more!
            Chris Christie? Trump took him hostage Mafia style, and, from what it looked like, forced Christie to endorse him to show that he can use strong-arm tactics against his rivals to get what he wants. That, or Christie is a bigger two-faced ass than I thought and wanted to get in with the winning side like he’s a lesser house in the Game of Thrones aligning with the Lannisters because they control the Iron Throne. “Yes! YES! Give us more!” The people cried out.
            Guns? Trump has a conceal and carry permit and packs heat wherever he goes, he also carries a gun. “We love guns too!” The people screamed, holding their mini American flags and waving them vigorously.
            ISIS? Trump says, “I would bomb the shit out of ISIS.” And the people collapsed after shaking with ecstasy for months.
            It’s just a production. A show for the masses. A way to get the best ratings. He knows how to play it all so perfectly that I’m embarrassed to say that I am awe struck at how effective he has been in his campaign. It’s just a beautiful campaign, just the best. The best. It’s so beautiful that if it were a woman, it would be a 10 and I would date it. Oh shit…Man, Trump is good…

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It
            This is, by far, Trump’s greatest strength. He is able to bring us into his world by saying nothing at all. If you really listen to what he says, and don’t get distracted by the shiny words and insults he hurls at your ears, you learn something. He has no idea what the hell he is talking about, but he believes what he says and is committed to shouting it angrily at all of us.
            Trump talks in circles. Really, really big circles that bring you right back to where you started, but you feel better about yourself and about Trump because you hear the magic words; “Great”, “America”, “Strong”, “Take Back”. My God, it’s like he knows what the frustrated masses want to hear him say.
            When you keep hearing that come out of Trump’s mouth on an endless loop, time stands still, you lose sight of your goals and aspirations, and all you can think about is that this very orange man can bring us back to the land that we were promised. It’s that “Hopey-Changey” stuff we were told about in 2008, but now a rich white-guy is saying it so it has to be true!
            Trump tells us that he is going give us the best wall, but gives no details as to how he will do it…wait, I forgot, Mexico will pay for it. Trump says that we will have the greatest military and he knows the military, even though he has no military experience at all. Trump says that he uses the best words, which is a weird thing to brag about. At least say the most “exceptional” words, as that is a bigger word than “best”. Trump has told us that he loves the poorly educated, which is fairly obvious since they seem to be making up the majority of his support.
            It’s beautiful, really, to see this in action because he is able to say all of this and have no actual plan on how to accomplish any of it. It’s like watching Picasso paint. You understand he’s painting, but you have no idea how the hell he’s coming up with his perspective or concept. Except with Picasso the end result was a revolutionary masterpiece. While in Trump’s case it tends to be more of a blank canvas that leaves us wondering how in the hell this guy got famous in the first place.
Trump has been able to describe this incredible fantasy-land America that will be oozing in greatness. The only problem is that he never gives us a plan on how he’s going to get us there. There’s no thought put into how the legislation is going to get passed, no clue as to where the money is going to come from. Just empty promises of a great America. Sounds a lot like the politicians that he hates so much.

            I get why so many Americans are backing Trump. He makes everything sound, I don’t know, doable. I guess. He’s not PC, he’s not a politician, he’s not part of the establishment, he doesn’t care what people think, and he gives the perception that he knows what he is talking about. It’s everything that people want to hear.

            That’s just it, though. Trump knows what people want to hear and he has used that to crush everything in his way. Trump has taken what is already the circus that is the Presidential Election, and turned it into an even more crass reality show. Just like every other reality show out there, there is a huge audience for it, and we want more. I just hope we come to our senses soon enough to recognize Trump’s whole charade for what it is; a steaming pile of worthless shit. Worthless, gold spray-painted shit.

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